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Things you should know about us
1. How much do your birds cost?
2. What's so special about your birds?
3. Why are pet stores not the best place to purchase birds?
4. What do you feed them?
5. What is the difference between handfed and parent raised?
6. Why does it take so long to clip their wings?
7. What's banding, and why's that a good thing?
8. What services do you offer?
9. Why do you breed cockatiels?
10. Do you ship your birds?
11. Do you guarantee the sex of the bird?
12. How can I reserve a cockatiel?
13. Do you ever have breeders or older birds for sale?
14. Will you take my bird?
1. How much do your birds cost?
That depends upon the quality of the bird, age, and what comes with the bird. I usually charge $70 for a good pet cockatiel with
a week's supply of food, millet spray, favorite toy, hatch certificate, and an informational booklet on care that includes a personalized section
for your new bird. Cockatiels are usually sold at 8 or 9 weeks, fully weaned. Birds are also closed traceable banded.
For a list please click here.
2. What's so special about your birds?
All my birds are friendly, handfed, finger trained, and wing clipped. They are also banded for easy identification should
your bird become lost. Each bird comes with a health guarantee. I will not sell sick or unfriendly birds. Each recieves hours of
TLC each day. Since I don't breed large amounts of birds, I have the time to give each bird plenty of attention and keep them healthy
and happy. You can see more info here about our policies.
3. Why are pet stores not the best place to purchase birds?
There is an excellent article here which expesses it
much more eloquently than I can. Please read it.
4. What do you feed them?
As babies, they recieve Kaytee Exact ® Handfeeding Formula. As adults, they eat Kaytee Exact ® Pellets
mixed with Zupreem fruit blend (the parakeet size),
millet, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. They will also eat seed, but this should be fed as a treat and in moderation. You can purchase
Kaytee Exact ® and Zupreem at PetsMart.
5. What is the difference between handfed and parent raised?
Handfed babies are pulled from their parents at two weeks of age, the minimum required to ensure healthy babies, and then
fed with a syringe by a person. This enables the babies to identify themselves as people, and not birds, and the result is a friendly, inquisitive bird.
6. Why does it take so long to clip their wings?
This first wing clip takes a long time, but every other wing clip will take only a few minutes. In the first wing clip, I clip only
one feather on both wings at a time, making the bird work a little harder to fly every takeoff. It's also better to do it this way because you want the bird to glide
gently down to the floor, not fall like a brick. Some petstores and breeders just hack off all the primary feathers, whether the bird needs it or not.
I prefer to only clip the feathers just until the bird has to glide. It usually leaves a few primary feathers (on the wingtip) which is more asthetically
appeasing. Sometimes the bird has to have all the primaries cut, but I like to leave one there for looks if possible. The first wing clip takes a couple of days to
a week..
7. What's banding, and why's that a good thing?
Banding is a process done when the chicks are about ten days old. A small closed metal band is slid onto the baby bird's left leg.
The leg band contains the breeder's identification code, the number of the baby, the year it was born, and what society (if any) issued the band.
Bands are good because they are traceable. That means, if for some reason your bird escaped and got lost (accidents happen!) the bird could be traced
back to you, and you have a much better chance of getting your bird back. The bands are also good because then you know how old the bird is.
The bands for the next year are issued only a few days before the year starts, so no one can "fool you." Bands are also good for people who show birds.
I try to get bands on all my birds, but sometimes
the foot is just too big or the band falls off and becomes lost. Leg bands can only be removed by a veterinarian
with a bird band cutter.
8. What services do you offer?
It's best summed up in this table:
| Bird bought from me | Tiel not bought from me |
Wing Clip | $8 | $10 |
Claw Clip | $5 | $10 |
Wing and Claw Clip | $10 | $15 |
Pull Feather | Free | Depends on how many pulled |
If you need one of these services, please e-mail (preferred) or call.
9. Why do you breed birdss?
I love animals. Takoda, in fact, is Sioux for "friend to all." I have a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from OSU, with extreme interest
in fish. I got hooked on cockatiels a few years ago, and my birds decided they were going to have some babies whether I
liked it or not! I did like it, and I am expanding my little flock to add new mutations all the time. I love every single baby I
raise, so I'm very concerned about who they are going to! I want each baby to have a happy life full of neck scratches and love.
10.Do you ship your birds?
No. You must be willing to pick up your bird in Columbus, Ohio. In some cases I will drive halfway to meet
you. In those cases I need half the price of the bird(s) beforehand (payable via credit card), and a small gas fee will apply, depending
on the distance.
11.Do you guarantee the sex of the bird?
In some cases, we can determine through genetics the sex of the bird. These are the only birds that we will guarantee the
gender. We will make an educated guess on the others, based on noise level, aggression, and interaction with other birds and people. Because there
are always exceptions to the rule, we cannot honestly guarantee any specific sex. All pionus are DNA tested at no charge to you.
12.How can I reserve a bird?
Just e-mail and we'll work things out. If there are no birds available, with your
permission, we will put you on the waiting list for the next available clutch. There is a deposit to reserve a bird (no charge for waiting list), which is
non-refundable, but good towards the cost of your bird.
13.Do you ever have breeders or older birds for sale?
This would be extremely rare. Quite frankly, we love all our birds, and we intend to provide them with an excellent life even after they are "retired."
We do not sell older birds, because any baby we've kept for whatever reason, we have grown very attached to. For these reasons, usually only babies are available.
14.Will you take my bird?
I get a lot of e-mails from people who either decide they should never have purchased a cockatiel or think their bird should be bred. I am not set up to handle bird rescue and I urge you to do a Google search to find one. In order for a bird to enter my birdroom I have to do several hundred dollars of testing to each bird, and it would be ludicrous for me to spend that much on any old cockatiel, particularly since I only breed specific birds that are exceptional in some way. Now, if your bird has a nice pedigree and a recent health examination certificate, perhaps I can help you...
More FAQ are added all the time! Feel free to send me an e-mail with your question(s).